
Frank enjoying his beer at the 2024 Gordon Research Conference on Meiosis


Our talented undergrad Meghana won the outstanding senior and distinguished scholar award for the Genetics and Genomics major!


Ting and Laurel (Rose Lab) at their graduation ceremony :’)


2023 Halloween Lab Pumpkin Carving Party!

Absolutely no photoshop was used in this photo:)



BAWM2023 BAWM2023

Hosting BAWM 2023 at UC Davis (!!!)

*All pictures taken by our talented undergrad Yuxin



2022 pumpkins

2022 Halloween Lab Pumpkin Massacre :>

Davis Moonlight Race

2022 Davis Moo-nlight Race!


2021 Halloween Lab Pumpkin Massacre!


2019-2021 Davis Turkey Trot(s)!


Fun Halloween decorations courtesy of our rotation student Wenzhe!

McNally Lab at BAWM 2019 at UC Berkeley

No worms were harmed in the making of this sign 🙂


Goodbye Ely :’) aka the best lab member ever!


Ely and Frank ready to run the Davis Moo-n Light 5k in July 2018! Go go!


Congrats to Michelle and Marina for graduating! 🙂


Group picture with Frank of those leaving the McNally lab in 2018. Ely is starting graduate school at the University of Oregon this fall. Michelle is beginning her post-doc in Margo Quinlan’s lab at UCLA this fall. Ramon is starting medical school at UCSF this summer. Marina is graduating from UC Davis in June and will be working at BioLegend in San Diego! Go McNally lab go! :’)


McNally lab at BAWM 2018 at UCSC.


McNally lab at BAWM 2018 at UCSC. Showing off the new lab shirts! Yay!


McNally lab pumpkin carving brunch 2017 at Frank and Karen’s house!


McNally lab pumpkins made for Halloween 2017


Michelle (Little Red), Sawyer (Granny/Wolf), Ely (Eleven), and Chabella (hot dog) dressing up for Halloween! Yay!


McNally lab pumpkins made for Halloween 2016


20160809_194251_1470856679130Michelle and Ely at the Mondavi Center waiting for Lindsey Stirling to perform!


The McNally lab posing with their carved pumpkins at Frank and Karen’s house for Halloween 2015.


Sam, Sam’s doggy Gunner, Michelle, and Ely hiking at Mission Peak in July 2015.


Ely, Frank, and Sam at the Biological Sciences Graduation Ceremony in June 2015. Congrats Ely and Sam!


McNally Lab celebrating Frank’s awesome score on his RO1 grant. Yay Frank!


Halloween at Frank and Karen’s house in 2011.


BAWM 2011
The McNally Lab at Bay Area Worm Meeting (BAWM) at UC Berkeley in 2011.


Frank award
Frank was awarded ‘Teacher of the Year’ from the students of the BMCDB graduate group (for the second time)! GO Frank GO!!!! Fall, 2010